Hobby of a Thousand Hobbies
As I began listening to amateur radio podcasts, I heard “ham radio is the hobby of a thousand hobbies” and as I continue to learn, that becomes more evident every day. The nice thing is there is something for everyone from the only-technical to only-social.
Sorry for the eye chart but it clearly demonstrates the breadth and depth of this hobby.
flowchart TB ar[Amateur Radio] --> m[Modes] ar[Amateur Radio] --> mb[Mobility] ar[Amateur Radio] --> con[Construction] ar[Amateur Radio] --> svc[Service] ar[Amateur Radio] --> com[Competition] ar[Amateur Radio] --> rng[Range] rng[Range] --> lc[Local Community] rng[Range] --> nvis[Regional] rng[Range] --> nat[National] rng[Range] --> dx[DX] rng[Range] --> sat[Satellite] rng[Range] --> eme[Earth Moon Earth] svc[Service] --> adv[Advocacy] svc[Service] --> vol1[Community Service] svc[Service] --> elm[Elmering] svc[Service] --> ec[EmComm - Emergency Communications] con[Construction] --> kb[Kit Build] con[Construction] --> hb[Homebrew] ar[Amateur Radio] --> pwr[Power Level] pwr[Power Level] --> p_qrp[QRP] pwr[Power Level] --> p_qro[QRO] mb[Mobility] --> bs[Base Station] mb[Mobility] --> mob[Mobile] mb[Mobility] --> ptb[Portable] ptb[Portable] --> ped[Pedestrian] ptb[Portable] --> pota[POTA - Parks on the Air] ptb[Portable] --> sota[SOTA - Summit on the Air] ptb[Portable] --> otas[All the other OTAs] m[Modes] --> m_d[Digital] m[Modes] --> m_p[Phone - Voice] m_d[Digital] --> md_cw[CW - Morse Code] m_d[Digital] --> md_ft8[FT8] m_d[Digital] --> md_ft65[FT65] m_d[Digital] --> md_rtty[RTTY] m_d[Digital] --> md_wspr[WSPR] m_d[Digital] --> md_js8[JS8]